To: Africa TB Community
Dear Colleagues, The Africa Coalition on TB (ACT Africa) Secretariat, hosted by the Afro Global Alliance (AGA), has the pleasure of inviting you to participate in the Africa Regional Meeting / Workshop on tuberculosis (TB) with the theme “Achieving the Africa TB UNHLM targets by enhancing CSOs and Communities engagement in the Africa Region” from the 27 -28 October. There will be training on Community Led-Monitoring on the 29 October back to back and these meetings are designed to enable participants to strengthen national responses to TB.
The meeting and the training workshop will take place virtually and it is supported by the Stop TB partnership and planned in collaboration with regional partners DRAF TB, WACI Health, EANNASO and many country partners. The meeting will provide the opportunity for recipients of the Stop TB Partnership Challenge Facility for Civil Society (CFCS) to discuss lessons learned and opportunities but most importantly updates from our technical partners and donors to help facilitate collaboration and partnership on the path to our shared objectives of Ending TB.
The overall objectives of the Regional meeting/training workshop are to strengthen partnerships and interaction between civil society, technical partners, and donors.
The meeting is set to address five core objectives that include; 1. Share experiences and take stock of CS and Community engagement in the CFCS grants. 2. Introduce Community Led-Monitoring 3. Support civil society and community preparedness for effective TB CRG assessment. 4. Develop regional advocacy priorities and plan on how civil society and community groups will be meaningfully engaged 5. Increase the understanding of civil society and community-based groups in the Global Fund processes
We do require your participation in the meeting and would be grateful if you could kindly confirm your attendance by sending an email to Austin Obiefuna ( by Friday 23rd October 2020. Attached is the agenda for the meeting. Thank you. Yours sincerely,
Austin Arinze Obiefuna Technical Coordinator Africa Coalition on TB